As the council sat around the table and fought for who got what, the clients sat staring at each other with gazes of anger and hostility. They fought over all the major things: who would get custody of the younger children, holidays, and special events. As for the kids that could choose, the clients bantered like baney roosters about who deserved them and why his or her household was superior. As the council members drew to a close it seemed like everything had been split up, they signed the papers and left.
Little thought was given that day on things like the microwave, laundry baskets, tools, kitchenware, etc. All essential things when it comes to the big picture. The moment one of these separated families realize they need that parry knife or that laundry basket, the fight will pick right back up and continue.
I paint this picture of divorce in your head because that's what it is. A dissolution of ability to work together, which is what we are currently seeing in the angling world. The victims in this situation, though are not children. They are all the programs that required both parties, the co-sponsored events, clubs, and even tournament trails. We as anglers and even more for prostaff and sponsored anglers will now see shifts in all of that.
How will it effect us? That's still not clear. Just like any divorce, it's too early to tell if the parents will just throw all of the little things away allowing the ability to start fresh. Maybe it's as subtle as an angling friend had to make a choice and now he can no longer fish your trail. Maybe it's your local shop, who you have built a strong relationship with is now on one side of this dissolution and you’re on the other. Do you risk your sponsorship to continue the hometown help? And do they risk helping you and making their side of the house mad?
No matter the reason for the sudden call for separation, there are far more things effected than what meets the eye at first. These situations often get worse before they get better. Your steps from here must be well thought out in order to not set a new disturbance into an already unstable environment.
Until next time
Tight Lines and Screaming Reels
John Champion
We hope to unite Youth anglers across the SE USA. They can fish any local club and win great prizes. Spread the word!