Friday, December 5, 2014

Prepping For Spring

Winter is upon us. Some folks curl up in front of a fire and hibernate for the winter, some gorge on food through the holidays, some may even get out and fight the pandemonium in the stores this time of the year. Though kayak anglers may take part in all of the above, they also are scouring the internet for new tactics, new gear and tearing gear down for yearly maintenance. There is one thing a lot of paddlers may be forgetting during this preparation for spring.

Keeping your body prepared and physically fit for the rigors of the months to come is key. Your body takes a beating during the fishing season, especially those who eat, sleep and breathe it as I do. I noticed this year that my obsession for fishing kept me out of the gym, didn't allow me the ability to keep a healthy balance of nutrition, or the time to focus on these things so it seemed. Though this is not the truth, there is time for all of those things, I just didn't make it a priority.

Think about the countless hours you spend paddling, fishing and moving your kayak from one location to another. The winter is a prime time to focus on getting your body ready for the season to come. Even doing simple exercises, following a cardio routine and eating properly will set you up for a successful season. By doing these things you can ensure that your body is ready to meet the many demands that you will face this season. From being able to out paddle some of your competitors, to fishing for countless hours and not getting fatigued to making that long paddle to a honey hole will all increase your success rates.

Take time this winter to focus on you! If you currently have a fitness plan then continue it and if you don't, then take time to start. Joining your local gym will offer many different ways to ensure your successful in your new endeavor. That does not mean that you have to be a member of a gym. There are many quality products you can use from your home such as P90X and Insanity. These will allow you to work at your own pace to build your strength and cardiovascular from the confines of your home. You can also just start walking and eating better.

Good luck in your preparation this off season. Remember the best tool in your fishing arsenal is you so make sure you're doing everything you can to take care of your body just like you would that expensive reel.

Until next time
Tight Lines and Screaming Reels
John Champion

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